Relaxing Friends 2021
This promotion was released in Japan and the US. However, the US did not get the small plush.
This promotion was released in Japan and the US. However, the US did not get the small plush.
The Pokemon in this promotion included Pikachu, Eevee, Yamper, Grookey, Skwovet, and Morpeko.
The Pokemon in this promotion included Pikachu, Eevee, Yamper, Grookey, Skwovet, and Morpeko.
I only bought the Japanese Pikachu plush.
I only bought the Japanese Pikachu plush.
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Plush (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Plush (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Plush Tag (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Plush Tag (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Small Plush (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Small Plush (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Small Plush Tag (2021)
Pikachu Relaxing Friends Small Plush Tag (2021)