About Me and The Collection

I have been a Pokemon, specifically a Pikachu collector since Pokemon first came out. I remember when there was hardly any Pokemon items available and complaining that there was no Pikachu plush to buy (yes, I do regret those words today). My collection focus has always been Pikachu plush toys (at least I delude myself into thinking that), but over the years I have accumulated a lot more than plush toys, which you can see if you go through my collection.

Initially my collection was on flickr as photographs in albums. I never had the intention of actually starting a webpage for it. All I wanted was to have a place to catalog my collection so I won't accidentally buy doubles or even triples of certain items. And yes, I have done so. My initial page on flickr actually helped me because I was able to verify if I owned something before I bought it, which made my wallet very happy.

Flickr, unfortunately was bought out by another company, and my photos were in danger of being deleted. So before the deletion deadline, I decided to come here to Google, and have begun this new page.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you look at my collection:

The first is that it is not complete. This page will most likely be a continuous work in progress. With my constant new additions, I don't have time to take out my older items to catalog. So what you see is not everything I have.

The second is that I do watermark all my photos. If you do not like seeing photos with watermarks, then you will not like looking at my collection pictures. I have received complaints before, and I completely understand. However you also have to look at it from my perspective. I created this page as a reference for myself, and I do spend a lot of time taking photos. Unfortunately, I have seen my photos used in the past without my permission on auction sites. That is mainly why I watermark.

If you actually read through all this :) Thank you, and I hope you enjoy seeing what I have.