Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush

Pikachu Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush (2018)

Pikachu Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush Tag (2018)

These plush have been re-released several times. The first release the tag is smaller. The later ones have the same tag but its larger.

Eevee Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush (2018)

The early release Eevee has black ears. The later release Eevee has brown ears. This Eevee is from the first release.

Eevee Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush Tag (2018)

These plush have been re-released several times. The first release the tag is smaller. The later ones have the same tag but its larger.

Mew Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush (2019)

Mew Fuwa Fuwa Big Fluffy Plush Tag (2019)